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Our Performance

*The % includes deduction of all Forex AI Group fees..

Many of our customers have seen returns of 100% or more on their broker accounts annually.

Even the best hedge funds haven't acheived such results and they generally charge management fees as well. The picture given by this graph, above, is one of almost too good to be true. It is true, however, and it is instructive to look at a few other performance features. Hedge funds are difficult to compare over time as what is best one year may not be 2 years later.

The Bloomberg Forex AI Group Crypto Index (BFAGCI) is a benchmark designed to measure the performance of the largest cryptocurrencies traded in USD. The Index is owned and administered by Bloomberg and co-branded with Galaxy Digital Capital Management. The Index is calculated and distributed under the oversight of Bloomberg’s Benchmark Oversight Committee and supervision of Bloomberg’s Product, Risk and Operations committee. Any material deviations or changes from established procedures are subject to review by Bloomberg’s governance and oversight process. The BGCI currently is based on Bitcoin (40%); Etherium (40%) and others (20%).